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Jun 14, 2017
sale away
Brace yourself, it's that time of the year: the big summer sale! It's your chance to get a hold of all those beautiful pieces you have...

Jun 12, 2017
jump around
We absolutely love separates. We love dresses too. But the jumpsuit will always have that special place in our heart. Loose or tailored,...

Jun 9, 2017
new romantics
Just because you are fierce , doesn't mean you don't have a soft side. The triple 'f' trend has taken over this season: frilly, feminine...

May 15, 2017
If you were really cool twenty years ago , you must remember your obsession with logos: branded tees, bags and accessories were a total...

May 10, 2017
exotic flora
Welcome to the tropics! Even since last year, tropical greens have appeared everywhere. Palm prints, cacti and hibiscus flowers make an...

May 8, 2017
double -breasted
One of the biggest comebacks the last couple of seasons is the double-breasted jacket. Structured or loose, classic or edgy, with gold or...

Apr 27, 2017
when life gives you lemons...
You never saw this coming , did you? For years and years women dreaded the thought of having to wear yellow! I mean , who looks good on...

Apr 20, 2017
you are in the army now!
We know you are a woman's woman. But sometimes you just gotta borrow something from the boys! Military style has been around long enough...
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